The 3-Day Potty Training Holiday

by Persephone Puddle, MLA

Now Available on Amazon

Persephone Puddle, MLA


Potty Training in Only 3 Days!!!

Want the job of potty training your child to be over in only three days? Believe it or not, three days is plenty enough time to toilet train a toddler. Use this book to avoid making common potty training mistakes that prolong the process into months (or even years) of unnecessary conflict. With Persephone Puddle’s easy-to-read step-by-step guide in hand, you can transform your toddler in diapers into that “big kid” who confidently and independently uses the potty — and you can do it in three days. Even better, you’ll turn what might otherwise be a daunting and traumatic process into a holiday.

Master the secrets of positive, stress-free, and effective toilet training. Discover how to ensure rewards don’t become a battle of wills between you and your toddler. Learn how to prepare yourself, your child, and your home environment for the big 3-Day Holiday. Discover exactly what to do and say during the holiday to make sure your toddler succeeds and develops all the life confidence that stems from success. Within these pages are all the lists and to-dos you’ll need, organized in a simple, straightforward, and easy-to-use format.

And Persephone doesn’t stop there. She offers advice regarding daycare, taking the potty on the road, and troubleshooting should your child have a regression and go back to wetting the bed. You’ll get all the ins and outs of turning one of the most difficult tasks of childrearing into a heartwarming moment and a memory to treasure.

This light-hearted and happy book is what every parent and caregiver needs to get their child off to a positive start in life. Take advantage of Persephone’s life experience and education today. Change what could be a difficult, stressful and long-drawn-out childrearing drama into a holiday of positive memories that will last a lifetime. Purchase this book now so you can make toilet training an event that proves to your toddler that they can accomplish anything.

About Persephone

You guessed it: Persephone Puddle is a pseudonym. I chose it in celebration of the puddles your child needs to make on the floor in order to understand that modern diaper technology won’t always be there to catch absolutely everything.

In the real world, I’m an AMS-certified Montessori teacher (trained ages 3-12) and a consultant and coach for families managing level 1 autism in adults. My three children have made it into adulthood with as much positivity as possible considering all the complex circumstances life threw at us. My undergraduate degree is in human development and family studies and my master’s is in clinical psychology. I live in Boston and in my spare time, I enjoy lifting weights and writing poetry.

Raising my children positively was well worth the effort. You can do this!

If you’d like to hire me to offer you personalized potty training support, use the button below It’s not what I do as a day job, but if I can offer a few words of advice that will make a big difference, I’m available.

For the right price, I’d be happy to offer in-person 3-Day Potty Training Holidays in your home. Imagine having the job done. Just done. Let’s talk.

Remember, you’re the most important person in your child’s life right now. Enjoy this moment! It won’t last forever.

Persephone Puddle, MLA

(Pseudonym, AI Generated Image)

Positive Potty Training Advocate

© Persephone Puddle, 2024